Saturday, June 28, 2008

Caffeine addict

You know, if I could separate food and fashion, there is a 40 per cent chance that I would not only be able to fit into my clothes better, but that my clothes might be cleaner - it's actually scientifically proven that white cotton and red wine/Coke/orange juice/anything with staining potential are attracted to each other (Plausible? Yes. True? If you think that gullible isn't in the dictionary.)

But coffee - coffee is a different story, my friends. It cannot be separated. How else do you think everyone manages to stay so skinny and AWAKE in the industry? It's not those "eight" glasses of water a day - and they don't sell V overseas.

What's more, no coffee = a massive chunk of the colour wheel gone MIA. Espresso, mocha and latte with a dash of caramel and cream - colours that would exist, but not in the same way we look at them thanks to coffee. So enjoy this spread that's filled with all these lovely rich colours. And get a coffee (although I highly suggest waiting till tomorrow morning - coffee now is like arriving at the toll booth with fifty cents in your wallet. NOT GOOD.).

Click to enlarge.


P.s. More work exp stuff soon!

Images:,, Mollini, Witchery Fashions, Jo Malone, Skullbulb, Perlekes via Deviantart.


henree* said...

spread looks good

lol CAFFEINE!! =]

Anonymous said...

hey guys! not a coffee drinker. all tea. lol. most of the ppl in my drawing class are tea ppl too. interesting. although i could be wrong equating tea with art/drawing ppl...

lol.. all that interesting stuff about coffee... and it lead me to fashion! :) enjoyed it. thanks.

Bonita Silva said...

lol @ that i ♥ my barista badge - there are so many good looking barista's, which adds to the whole caffeine experience ;)